Welcome Cast of Seussical Jr,

Just THINK! It’s time to begin another fun season of theater!

Audition Week to begins Monday, Feb 10, 2020 with Workshop Classes!

Tuesday, Feb 11, 2020 4:00-7:00 (Boys stay until 7:30) Come to the MTAOC Studio ready to audition for every role you are interested in. Learn as many songs as you like. We will teach a bit of each character’s songs, including the ensemble songs. We will then begin auditioning for each character and ensemble group.

Once we begin the casting process, there will be no refunds made on enrollment.  We have a waitlist, so be sure you can commit to every rehearsal and show time. Please come prepared to have a fun season regardless of the role receive! Every child will shine…sometimes in expected ways!

We want to make sure all of you come ready and prepared to have fun on this THINKING musical adventure! Although every show has an audition, the most important thing to remember is, every cast member will play a very important part of the story.

Be ready to enjoy meeting new friends who love to sing, act, and dance, JUST LIKE YOU! I will make sure that everyone in the show has a wonderful time learning about theater. I challenge you to be excited to be in duets, trios, solos, or ensemble songs. Please come to the audition relaxed and ready to have a good time. Those butterflies are about to turn into Magic! Be brave and take chances! MTAOC is a family who encourages everything theater!

Below are a few things you will need for the audition:

  • Comfortable Shoes with toes enclosed. Dance shoes are preferred. Black or tan jazz shoes or sneakers. DO NOT WEAR FLIP FLOPS OR SANDALS!
  • Wear comfortable clothes that are easy to move in. Dance attire is most appropriate. No skirts or dresses unless you are wearing shorts underneath. We may be rolling on the floor and want to make sure you aren’t worried about being uncomfortable. If you are a dancer or a gymnast, be sure to wear appropriate clothes to show us your “tricks” or short dance combinations!! Also, bring a water bottle. Rehearsals are no longer than 4 hours, so come with a full belly and bring a light, healthy snack. We offer snacks for sale for one dollar. We do not encourage more than one or two per rehearsal.
  • On the first day of auditions, everyone should be prepared to sing all songs from the show. Review all songs at home. If you have a character that you would like to be considered for, sing a song that shows the character traits of the particular role. From there, we will begin callbacks with your fellow cast members. Some of you will be asked to read or sing further for specific roles based on the first round of singing auditions. So, relax and know that we want you all to have fun during the audition. You will all be asked to let us know your top 3 character choices. Regardless of the show, this is where you can show us your singing and acting abilities! We will then decide where we feel you will fit best!
  • All those interested in a lead or feature role must commit to adding Thursday rehearsals to your schedule beginning in April 16 and thru Show Week.  Some or all cast members will be asked to attend some or all of these Thursdays. If you are not available on Thursdays, please contact Holly personally before auditions begin on Tuesday.
  • Although we allow, but don’t encourage, for 2 planned conflicts only, if you miss a rehearsal you may not be in the number that is taught that day. Plan on celebrating family events, annual appts, and other personal commitments for days other than Tuesdays/Thursdays. The success of your child’s show depends on your commitment to rehearsal.
  • Follow this link https://www.mtishows.com , click on Seussical the Musical Jr, then click on Audition Central to prepare for the roles you are interested in. There you will find the songs and sides (excerpts from the script) for each character. Planning ahead is always a fun way to build up a bit of confidence! I will be using those specific songs and excerpts thru out the audition, including Monday’s Auditioning Workshop Classes. We may or may not use all of this info, but it can help you prepare and learn more about the characters.
  • We will also be taking Headshots for the program on Tuesday. So spruce up a bit! Wear a dark shirt, and be ready for a professional photo shoot, which will take place while we are auditioning everyone individually. We will then take a Cast Photo!
  • We will have a table set up where your child can practice writing a bio. You will then be able to take that home with you and be ready to submit it to Mary Gonzales, our office manager, for the program asap! …after all, you may one day be writing a bio for a Broadway Playbill!
  • We would like to welcome Francine, our costume lead, back this season! Every child should come to the audition with an index card with Costume Size information. Including, the size your child is in “normal” clothes? Height? Weight? Shirt size? Dress size? Pant size? and shoe size? These cards should be handed to Francine Mafi. We will also be taking specific measurements for each child.
  • This season we will be rehearsing EVERY TUESDAY with a full cast from 4:00 until 6:00 with special scenes called from 6-7 or 7:30. NOTE: All cast members should prepare to stay until 7-7:30 every week. We will add Thursdays for special scenes beginning April 16. Refer to our website for days we are not rehearsing. mtaoc.org. Follow to Seussical Jr for all dates and info. No class Feb 25th and April 7th.
  • Every week we will announce at rehearsal, as well as post on our website at https://mtaoc.org/bsns-brite-stars, who will need to stay the following Tuesday from 6:00-7:00 or 7:30 OR who will be called on the following Thursday. We will be teaching in sequence of the story. I hope to stay on that schedule, but as we all know, we may have to make adjustments as rehearsals begin. When you receive your script refer to the table of contents to check off scenes as we learn them to stay updated. Look for the Brite Star’s BSN’s blog on the MTAOC website and in an email each week! Cast members should review the script the weekend before every rehearsal to prepare for each rehearsal. Learn and memorize the song or scene we will be staging in advance. This will help with rehearsal confidence and make each rehearsal fun!
  • PLEASE ADD TO YOUR SCHEDULE! THERE WILL BE A MANDATORY FULL DRESS REHEARSAL Saturday, June 13th, 2020 at MTA from 1:30 until 6:00.
  • Script packages will be available for pick up at MTA on Monday, Feb 10th from 3:00-6:00.
  • For those of you who have enrolled in Miss Holly’s Auditioning Workshop, I will see you on Monday during your specific time. Please come prepared to sing an auditioning song, no more than one minute in length, a cappella or with a track we will provide. I will assist you with ways to improve your technique and add some confidence to your performance. This class is NOT an audition for the show. We will be reading from the Seussical the Musical Jr MTI/Audition Central pages. We will have fun acting out a few scenes and learning about the zany characters. Please give a grace period of 10 minutes per class for release and start. It will be fun to visit the Who-ville and the Jungle of Nool together.

We will begin our First Audition Day with a meet and greet at 3:45. We encourage all children returning to seek out any new faces and welcome them to our MTA Family. We will have stations for you to visit regarding Registration Packets, TShirts,Volunteer Needs, Costume Information Needs, Script Needs, Bio writing,  as well as a Conflict Info Station. We will also be taking headshots for the program. Feel free to check out the studio during this first 20 minutes and say HI to old and new friends. Once everyone is in and comfy, I will formally introduce you to our incredible Brite Stars Team! We will then begin our brief but informative Parent Meeting. You will learn about MTAOC and how you can help with the success of our productions…we could not do it without the commitment and dedication of each family!

Volunteer hours are needed from each family to ensure our productions are successful. Please see our Volunteer Chart that will be available on this day! We look forward to seeing the board fill up on Tuesday! Bring your special talent or time to our production needs…it takes a village!

Brite Star’s seasonal Dance A Thon will be held on May 19th at  MTAOC studio. We could not survive without your financial support! Thank you in advance for Saving The Date for this fun day of cast bonding and fund raising! Details to come.



Ok all…that about covers it! I am excited to meet every single one of you and get to know you. Best advice for the audition, don’t get your heart set on one character! The most exciting role may yet to be seen! Stay open to new challenges, be brave, be kind, and be prepared.  More than anything else, I want you to have fun and not focus on the size of the role you receive. In my book, there are no small roles, only small actors!! Our show is only as strong as our ensemble…and that is the entire cast!

CHECK OUT ALL THE ATTACHED LINKS BELOW to stay on top of everything this season!

Let’s all have fun Turning Those Butterflies Into Magic!

As the CAT says…JUST THINK!

Miss Holly Bisaha and your Brite Star Staff!

Miss McKenna Bisaha Assistant Director/instructor
Johnny Bisaha Assistant to the Director/instructor
Mary Gonzales Office Supervisor
Francine Mafi Costume Lead
Abby Buckles and Sonny Ace Assistants